(310) 652-2600 Appointment

Penis Enlargement in Denver, CO

When it comes to the human body, parts that are hidden can have the maximum impact on a person’s confidence. Take for instance the penis. Though the penis is the most private male body part, its size and girth can have a significant impact on how a man feels about himself. Having a small, buried penis can result in major confidence issues, making a man feel less manly and attractive.

Every man dreams of being well-endowed and Dr. James Elist is committed to bringing all these dreams to reality. For years, he has been helping men with small and buried penises get their confidence back. As a noted authority in the field of urology, Dr. Elist has taken upon himself to give every man the gift of an attractive penis.

Monthly, we see several Denver penis enhancement patients travel to our Beverly Hills clinic to consult with Dr. Elist. His professionalism coupled with his skills and humane approach has left an indelible mark on his patients. He was one of the first surgeons to develop and perform penile implant surgeries and over the years, his extensive research on the topic has contributed immensely to the field.

More About Penis Enlargement Penis Enlargement Denver  Beverly Hills

Penis Enlargement Process

Penis Enlargement Overview



Penile implant surgeries are complex. Even a single wrong step can do more harm than good. You naturally don’t want to get into the operation theater with an amateur. Over the years, Dr. Elist has performed thousands of penile implant surgeries from simple penile enlargement cases to complex contouring procedures and he has handled them all.


As true professionals, we respect our patients’ decision to stay anonymous. Ensuring patient privacy is one of our foremost concerns. Consultations with the doctor are 100% discreet. Rest assured your information won’t be shared with anyone without your permission. If you are unable to make time from your schedule to visit us, Dr. Elist can talk to you via Skype or other platforms.


Every superhero needs capable sidekicks who understand their jobs and how they fit into the grand scheme of things. Behind every successful surgery that Dr. Elist performs is an army of trained professionals who understand the nature and scope of their roles like the back of their hands. Different teams work in tandem with Dr. Elist to improve the patient experience.


When it comes to choosing penile implants, we hate settling for anything less than the best. In our dictionary, the phrase second best does not exist. If it is not the best implant, it is not good enough for us. For sustainable results, Dr. Elist uses top of the line Penuma® Implants .


Dr. James Elist is more than a surgeon – he is a trusted professional with whom you can feel comfortable sharing your concerns. To book a consultation session, call (310) 652-2600. If you want us to call you, fill out our contact form.

Learn more about Dr. Elist's Male Enhancement Procedures

Schedule your private consultation with Dr. Elist

Through experience, empathy, and patient empowerment, Dr. Elist offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment plan for every patient. Schedule your consultation to discuss treatments for men in Los Angeles with premier surgeon Dr. James Elist, and begin your journey confident that your best results are just ahead of you.