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UTI Antibiotics | Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections

May 19th, 2014

UTI Antibiotics | Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections

UTI Antibiotics

Are You Aware That

  • Each year more than 7 million individuals visit doctor’s office for the management of UTI (with an additional 1 million visits in emergency care).
  • 50% females report at least one symptomatic episode of UTI during entire lifetime.

According to statistics reported in peer reviewed Journal of Diabetes Research & Clinical Metabolism (2) investigators reported that the incidence of UTI in general population is 127 cases per 1000 individuals. Certain risk factors (such as poorly controlled diabetes) can increase the incidence to 184 cases/ 1000 individuals with the risk of recurrence up to 20-30%.

Risk Factors That May Lead to Symptomatic Episodes of UTI

  • Female gender
  • Poor physical hygiene
  • Elderly population
  • Spinal cord or neuronal injury

Common Antibiotic Choices for Urinary Tract Infection

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