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Best Foods to Boost Sex Drive

March 27th, 2015

Best Foods to Boost Sex Drive

Best Foods to Boost Sex Drive

If you are interested in sleeping more rather than having sex, it is the time upgrade your sexual desires by adopting some healthy interventions. You don’t have to get supplements or over-the-counter libido enhancing products to do it. Healthcare providers recommend that modifying your diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle is all you need to enhance your sexual desires. Here are 10 best foods that can optimize your sex drive without needing any other remedy.

  1. Natural Foods for Depression imageBroccoli

    Fresh and organic green veggies like broccoli are famous for carrying a very high amount of Vitamin C. Healthy intake of Vitamin C alone can improve your total blood circulation to different organs of the body especially genitals, brain and heart to boost your sex drive. Consumption of this vegetable in any form (like stewed, raw or cooked) can work wonders.

  2. Watermelon

    If you want to add some sweet taste food to enhance your drive, watermelon is the best choice. Watermelon is known to contain some essential nutrients that are capable of upgrading your sexual desires by stimulating the release of nitric oxide in our body. High production of NO can help in relaxing the blood vessels and improving your sexual desires.

  3. Saffron

    Soak the threads of saffron in hot water for a few minutes and consume with rice or other foods. Saffron and other herbs stimulate your sexual drive and improves libido.

  4. Ginger

    Ginger is widely used for medical purpose because of its wide range of benefits; such as improving sex drive, alleviating cardiac symptoms and reducing the risk of metabolic disorders.

  5. Foods to Keep Prostate Healthy ImageGinseng

    According to a new study reported in the scientific Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Andrology (2), investigators suggested that men who consume ginseng are less likely to experience libido issues. You can take ginseng in tea or consume as an OTC supplement.

  6. Black Raspberries

    Consuming 10 raspberries (in the form of fruit or extract) before going to bed can improve your libido significantly. According to latest research, raspberries and seeds have certain chemicals and antioxidants that are vital in improving sex desire.

  7. Figs

    Pheromones are stimulators of sexual feelings. Figs are excellent boosters of pheromones and are also helpful in improving fertility.

  8. Eggs

    Eggs are an excellent source of proteins. Based on latest dietary recommendations, healthy doses of proteins are helpful in boosting stamina and energy levels. In addition, amino acids like L-arginine are known to increase the production of Nitric oxide. You can consume eggs in different forms (such as fried, pouched, deviled, scrambled or however you may like).

  9. Cloves

    Cloves are used in many ways and in different dishes. Asian people specially use this condiment in their favorite dishes. Cloves are well known for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in most parts of the world.

  10. Lettuce

    As discussed previously, almost all green vegetables are well known for stimulating sex hormone levels. If you want to enhance your sex desires, make sure to incorporate a bowel of salad with lettuce in your daily diet.

Foods that Destroys your Sex Drive

  1. Benefits of Natural Foods ImageDairy

    if you are losing your sexual desire day by day then you really need to focus on what kind of food are you consuming recently. If you find large amount of lactose in your diet, make sure to reduce the dosage significantly for better quality of sex life. This is mainly because dairy foods produce lactic acid after metabolism that can inhibit your sexual desires significantly.

  2. Oyster

    Though oyster contains a fair amount of zinc (which is a well-known booster of sex drive) but high intake can also increase the toxicity of certain minerals in the body. The toxicity has major deleterious effect that may inhibit the positive effects of zinc.

  3. Processed Baked Goods:

    Foods that contain high amount of sugars are really harmful for your sex life. High intake of sugars can affect the normal functioning of your organs and may inhibit the sexual desires by altering the metabolism at cellular level.


  1. Groesz, L. M., McCoy, S., Carl, J., Saslow, L., Stewart, J., Adler, N., … & Epel, E. (2012). What is eating you? Stress and the drive to eat. Appetite, 58(2), 717-721.
  2. Wendlová, J. (2015). Scientific medicine in integrative treatment of erectile dysfunction. Journal of Integrative Nephrology and Andrology, 2(1), 5.
  3. Dobbyn, S. (2012). The Fertility Diet: How to Maximize Your Chances of Having a Baby at Any Age. Simon and Schuster.

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