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Dr Elist Reviews in Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

September 19th, 2014

Dr Elist Reviews in Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Dr Elist Reviews Prostate Cancer

As we bring another week devoted to prostate health awareness month to a close, Dr. Elist reviews some of the key aspects highlighted this week, including signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, long term or sudden trouble which can be avoided with some lifestyle modifications, as well as some natural remedies which can help prevent and treat prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Supplements to Keep Prostate Healthy ImageThe earlier you play an active role in your health, the better chances you have of preventing future complications and trouble. A healthy diet, exercise and even stress reduction have not only been shown to improve prevention of cancer, but also preventing it’s recurrence. Consumption of foods, vitamins and substances that are rich in, and promote, antioxidants are a great way to help your body stay healthy. Limiting toxin exposure, such as those found in non-organic foods, is also a way to prevent damage to your body’s DNA.

Dr Elist Reviews Life After the Diagnosis

PSA Test info GraphicsA question that is often asked Dr. Elist is, that if there are any prostate cancer patients who are happy out there? I.e. what is life like after being diagnosed with prostate cancer? With an 87.5% survival rate, prostate cancer is no longer the death sentence it used to be. With improved awareness and early screenings, if caught early, prostate cancer can be highly treatable. Depending on the grade and stage, treatment options vary. In certain low-risk prostate cancers, treatment may involve observation and monitoring. In more invasive cases, pending results from a definitive biopsy, more aggressive treatment can be sought such as radiation and surgery. In any regard, having an open and honest conversation with your primary care doctor or urologist can help voice your concerns, especially if you have a family history of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer info for spouse and partners imagePatient Support After Prostate Cancer

As difficult as it is to receive the diagnosis of prostate cancer, it can be as equally devastating for the person’s spouse or partner. As a support system, there should be open dialogue between partners in regards to concerns and questions each may have. Joining a support group, making lifestyle changes, and educating yourself about prostate cancer are all great ways to help make informed decisions regarding a diagnosis.
If you or someone you know have questions about prostate cancer, make an appointment to speak with your doctor today. It can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make!

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