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Echo-V | The New Male Contraception In Making

September 28th, 2016

Echo-V | The New Male Contraception In Making

Echo-V | The New Male Contraception In Making

Echo-V is a breath of fresh air for all the men who are tired of temporary birth control methods like abstinence or spermicidal jellies; and are too reluctant to opt for permanent solutions like vasectomy.

It is believed that contraception or prevention of unintended pregnancies is only the responsibility of females, which is not true. Males should actively participate and contribute in this process. However, until a few years ago, investigators were only actively working to develop reliable female contraceptive options, but recently a lot of development took place in the male contraceptive market.

What Is Echo- V?

“Echo-V” is a new male contraceptive product that is currently patent pending, but will soon venture in the contraceptive market. It is similar to Vasalgel (another evolutionary male contraceptive option that is associated with great results). Echo-V exerts its actions by solidifying the sperms; thus preventing the release or secretion of sperms in the semen.

Echo-V are polymer gel solutions which are injected inside the vas deferens. Once inside the vas deferens, the polymer solutions converts into a hydrogel that serves as a semi-permeable membrane (allowing the movement of smaller particles but restricting the motion of larger particles such as sperms).

What Is The Difference Between Vasalgel And Echo-V?

Birth Control For MenBoth Echo-V and Vasalgel are not marketed to the general public as it is not yet known how long both products will hold up once they enter in the body. The major difference between both products is the way of insertion. Echo –V is injected via novel procedure; also known as Vasintomy which is designed particularly for gel insertion. Echo-V doesn’t require any incision because it can be seen through an ultrasound machine and administration takes only 3 minutes. Experts suggests the administration is painless and comparable to flu-shots administration. While on the other hand, Vasalgel is inserted via small incision.

Is There A Need For A New Male Contraceptive Method?

This is a question most people would ask and the answer is YES. According to a new survey, most men believes that both male and females should be responsible for contraception methods. Unfortunately, not many options are available currently to address this issue. Also since this method does not affect the hormonal system or systemic functioning, the risk of complications or adverse effects is generally low which makes it superior to available contraceptive options.

What Are The Drawbacks Of This Contraceptive Method?

Echo-v is less risky procedure and is much easier than vasectomy. It is hoped that echo-V will be available in the market within the next 5 years. So far, it hasn’t been approved or reviewed by the FDA as the product is still in the developmental stages.

Although, the exact cost is not yet released but it is proposed that the cost of this contraceptive method will be around $720. This device is not capable of preventing transmission of sexually transmitted infections therefore, use of protection is necessary for those who engage in risky sexual encounters or those who are in polygamous sexual relationships.


1. Tulsiani, D. R. (2016). New Approaches to Male Contraception. Gynecology & Obstetrics, 2016.

2. Garside, D. A., Gebril, A. M., Alsaadi, M., Nimmo, N., Mullen, A., & Ferro, V. (2013). An update on the potential for male contraception: emerging options. Open Access Journal of Contraception, 2013(4).

3. Plana, O. (2015). Male Contraception Research, New Methods, and Implications for Marginalized Populations. American journal of men’s health, 1557988315596361.

4. Roth, M. Y., & Amory, J. K. (2016, May). Beyond the Condom: Frontiers in Male Contraception. In Seminars in reproductive medicine (Vol. 34, No. 03, pp. 183-190). Thieme Medical Publishers.

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