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Food and Sperm Quality

July 26th, 2013

Food and Sperm Quality

Food and Sperm Quality

Sperm quality and Healthy Sperm is one of the most important factors for conception; no healthy sperm in ejaculate, defective sperms in ejaculate, some of sperms that are “lazy” (low motility) will make conception and pregnancy difficult to impossible in some cases. Sperm quality is the measure of male fertility; qualitative and quantitative, therefore you need healthy sperm that is well fed, here comes the importance of Food and Sperm Quality.
If you are suffering from low sperm quality and/or quantity, here are some foods and supplements that may aid to improve your fertility.

Suitable Chioces in Food and Sperm Quality

Asparagus has some fantastic powers over sperm. High amount of Vitamin C prevents sperm from oxidizing, protects the cells of the testicles, and decreases free radicals.
AvocadoHealthy Sperm, Food and Sperm Quality
High in vitamin E, vitamin B6, and folic acid, avocados boost sperm motility and give it the strength to penetrate an egg.
Bananas contain the enzyme Bromelain, which has been shown to regulate sex hormones. Vitamin B1, vitamin A, and vitamin C help increase stamina and boost the body’s ability to make sperm.
Lean beef is a fantastic source of zinc which has protective properties that protect the sperm against free radicals and prevents testosterone (the male hormone) from being converted to estrogen (the female hormone).
Dark Chocolate 
Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine which improves the erection and sperm quantity.
Allicin contained in garlic keeps plaque from building up in the arteries, improves blood flow to the genitals and boosts the strength and endurance of the sperm and vitamin B6 in garlic help to prevent sperm damage and regulate hormones.

Ginseng increases libido, sexual performance, and aids in blood flow to the testicles.
Oysters are strong aphrodisiacs and contain high amounts of zinc which increases sperm production but it can aid in the repair of damaged sperm.
Pomegranates are rich of many antioxidants which can eliminate the chemical in the blood called malondialidehyde which destroys sperm.
The Arginine in walnuts improves blood flow and increases sperm production and semen volume. The Omega-3 fatty acids improve blood flow to the penis. The healthy fats and antioxidants in walnuts help to improve overall health and reduce cholesterol.

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