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Foods for Anxiety Reduction

March 10th, 2014

Foods for Anxiety Reduction

Foods for Anxiety Reduction

While a common reaction to anxiety is constant snacking, it turns out there are some foods you can munch on that can actually reduce your anxiety.
Yes, medication, psychotherapy or both are often necessary for anxiety disorders, but that does not mean that a few lifestyle changes can’t help! A balanced diet and regular exercise are extremely beneficial when they come to improving your overall well being. Based on a few of most well-documented studies, below are the list of foods for anxiety that can help ease your anxious nerves!

List of Suggested Foods for Anxiety

Fatty Fish
According to a study from Ohio State University, students given an omega-3 fatty acid supplement exhibited a 20 percent reduction in anxiety compared to students given a placebo pill.    
Chamomile Tea
libido boosters - foodA small 2009 study conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial using chamomile extract. Researchers found a “modest” improvement of anxiety in people with mild to moderate generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) when treated with chamomile extract.
This breakfast staple may be doing more good for you than you may think! The brain craves a wide range of B vitamins to operate optimally. According to “Psychology Today”, lacking vitamin B may lead to confusion, irritability and anxiety. 
Incorporating foods that are heavy in B vitamins can help! Include beef, pork, citrus fruits and plenty of eggs in your diet.
In a 2011 study, Irish researchers found that feeding a certain probiotic bacterium found in yogurt to mice reduced “behaviors associated with stress, anxiety and depression,” Discover magazine reported. Probiotics included in foods for anxiety reduction, also promote healthy gastro functioning.
Green Tea
Green tea is one of the best foods for anxiety reduction. It is rich in amino acid called L-theanine, which has been reported to have calming effects. In one study, taking 200 milligrams of L-theanine before a test helped anxiety-prone university students stay calm.
However, it will take you anywhere from five to 20 cups to get that much from tea alone, ‘Health.com’ reported. Start drinking it!

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