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Health Benefits Of Sex

November 25th, 2016

Health Benefits Of Sex

Health Benefits Of Sex

Sexual intercourse and lovemaking is an important part of our lives. It not only helps in building stronger relationship with your partner but can also help in releasing stress, procreate and extend your lineage. But, what if we tell you that there are several other benefits of sex too?

Did you know that sexual intercourse can also boost your overall health?

Yes! You heard it right! Regular sexual intercourse can benefit your health and wellness in numerous ways such as improving your complexion, enhancing the quality of your skin, revitalizing your mood and reducing the risk of developing certain cancers!

Many studies have been carried out to highlight the impact of sex on your overall health. Research indicates that the health benefits of sexual intercourse are linked with reaching orgasms and subsequent release of endorphins and other chemicals in the body.

Here is the list of health benefits of sex that you need to know:

  • Better Heart Health:

Various studies have proved that people who have higher frequency of quality orgasms are less likely to die due to sudden cardiac events such as heart attacks or strokes. Many people think that vigorous sex or too much exertion during intercourse is not good for the heart, but the reality is just opposite. Regularly engaging in quality sex and good orgasms keeps your heart in healthy shape because the passionate moments during sex exerts same amount of load on heart as walking for 4 to 6 hour per mile, according to a study reported in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology (1).

  • Relieves Pain:

Did you know that just looking at the picture of your love partner, you can find relief from pain, distress and anxiety? A study was conducted by a team of anesthesiologists in which people were shown pictures of their love making partner and pictures of eye appealing strangers. Results showed that by looking at the pictures of their partner, people reported a significant relief in their physical pain and emotional distress.Can Safe Sex Makes You Look Younger? image

In fact, one study showed that a good orgasm can reduce menstrual cramps in women. Thus, sex does have the magical powers to reduce pain!

  • Reduces Stress:

A good sex can stimulate the pleasure centers of brain due to which people feels relaxed and less stressed after making love. Sex gives the same comfort and relief as that as sugary. Research indicates that the effects are due to endorphins and dopamine.

  • Good Sleep:

Sex does improve your sleep! A person wakes up more fresh after having a pleasurable sex. Though, it is not clear yet how sex effects sleep but there have been studies that proves this notion.

  • Lifts Mood:

A deep bonding with your loved one is enough to fix your mood. The scientific reason behind it is the release of neurotransmitters during the intercourse that works as a mood enhancer.

  • Glowing Skin:

Increased blood circulation beneath the skin, reduced stress and good mood all together can make your skin glow! Sex does makes you look prettier and younger.

  • Prevents Cancer:

Having good orgasms can lower the risk of prostate cancer. More the testicles are stimulated, lesser will be the risk. However, further research is required in this matter.

If you are experiencing low libido or impaired sex drive, it is highly recommended to speak to your doctor to learn more about the factors that are interfering with your sexual, emotional and physical health.


  • Stein, R., Sardinha, A., & Araújo, C. G. S. (2016). Sexual Activity and Heart Patients: A Contemporary Perspective. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 32(4), 410-420.
  • Lee, D. M., Nazroo, J., O’Connor, D. B., Blake, M., & Pendleton, N. (2016). Sexual health and well-being among older men and women in England: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Archives of sexual behavior, 45(1), 133-144.
  • Diamond, L. M., & Huebner, D. M. (2012). Is good sex good for you? Rethinking sexuality and health. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6(1), 54-69.
  • Levin, R. J. (2014). The pharmacology of the human female orgasm—Its biological and physiological backgrounds. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 121, 62-70.


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