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Marijuana and Fertility

September 4th, 2018

Marijuana and Fertility

Marijuana and Fertility

When it comes to male fertility, there are many factors that can affect sperm count, sperm function, and sperm morphology. Lifestyle choices can both positively or negatively affect a male’s fertility. One of the main debates over the past 10 years has been the effect of marijuana on fertility.
One of the largest studies regarding marijuana and its effect on men’s fertility found that marijuana can negatively affect sperm count. Additionally, further studies conducted found, that marijuana can have a poor effect on sperm morphology. A study published in Human Reproduction in 2014, found that men who participated in cannabis use (over 3 months) had poorer sperm form.

What makes poor sperm morphology?

Poor sperm morphology can impact conception. This is because any form of sperm that is not in “ideal form” can have problems traveling through the female reproductive system. If sperm is not able to travel through the cervical mucus, there is a high likelihood it will not be fertilized.

Cutting Back

It takes three months to produce sperm. Fortunately, the adverse relationship between marijuana and sperm morphology is not permanent. It is recommended to cut back on marijuana months before trying to get pregnant in order to get the best results. Conclusively, any poor effects on male fertility is temporary. This is because THC (the main ingredient in marijuana) does leave your system.

Taking Control

If you are looking to take control of your lifestyle choices in order to improve your fertility, sexual health, or libidio, Dr. Elist is a leading male sexual health expert that has helped thousands of men do just that. His 30+ years of experience has crowned him a leading sexual health expert in the Los Angeles area. If want to improve this area of your life, Dr. Elist can help you make the first steps.

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