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Considering Penis Enlargement Surgery? Prerequisites and conditions to be a good candidate

October 24th, 2014

Considering Penis Enlargement Surgery? Prerequisites and conditions to be a good candidate

Considering Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Prerequisites and conditions to be a good candidate for penis enlargement surgery:
penis-size ImageSome men develop these negative feelings and suffer from poor genital body image after they are diagnosed with medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, or erectile dysfunction. The news that a man’s penis is no longer working the same way it used to work is not only devastating to hear, but it also can take a major toll on the individual’s psyche. The frustration and sadness can drive him to feel unattractive and broken.
Other men who have no functional problems with their penis may also be affected by a perception that his penis or testicles are too small (Micropenis Syndrome). These feelings typically begin during childhood, with young boys comparing the size of their penis to that of their father. This feeling of inadequacy grows stronger over time and, in many men, negatively affects and consumes their lives, and the lives of their friends and family.

Penis Enlargement As An Elective Procedure

Most penile enlargement surgeries and testicular enlargement surgeries are performed on an elective, cosmetic basis. Think of penis enlargement surgery the same as you would view breast augmentation. Some patients require the penis enlargement implant, and are deemed “medically necessary” but for most, it is a procedure to change their body for cosmetic reasons. Like breast augmentation, penile enlargement augmentation is not covered by health insurance, unless the patient has a condition that would deem the surgery medically necessary for approval.

Penis Enlargement Surgery Video

Learn more about Dr. Elist's Male Enhancement Procedures

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