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Renal Failure Causes and Symptoms

January 15th, 2015

Renal Failure Causes and Symptoms

Renal Failure Causes and Symptoms

When your kidneys begin to fail, and cannot filter waste products from the blood, your body is dealing with renal failure. There are two main types of renal failure which are acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease. Renal failure is very serious and can cause many complications for an individual. Dialysis is often needed and there can be increased acid levels in the body, decreased levels of calcium, anemia, cardiovascular disease and more.

Acute Kidney Injury

Diet for Kidney Stone Prevention ImageWhen the blood supply to the kidneys is suddenly interrupted, or when the kidneys become overloaded with toxins, it can result with an acute kidney injury. Causes of this can be complications from surgery, accidents or serious injuries. Drug overdoses, chemotherapy, antibiotics and more can also cause the onset of acute kidney injury. Those who suffer from acute kidney injury, need treatment until their kidneys can function normally again. Even after their kidneys are working properly, they will often develop a higher risk for future kidney failure.
Acute kidney failure is removable, but chronic kidney disease is not.

Chronic Kidney Disease

People with a family history of kidney disease are more likely to have this condition. The overuse of various drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen can cause this condition as well. Infections like Hantavirus can also attack the kidneys and cause kidney failure.

Genetic Predisposition

It has been found that the APOL1 gene is a major factor in the genetic risk of getting kidney disease. Two western African variants of the gene have also been found to be associated with end-stage kidney disease in Hispanic Americans and African Americans.

Symptoms of Renal Failure

There are many symptoms of kidney disease and renal failure, all related to different types of conditions impacting the kidneys. Some of the more common symptoms are:

  1. Urethral Stones Info.Nocturnal urination
  2. Blood in the urine
  3. Large amounts of urine
  4. Bone damage
  5. Muscle Cramps
  6. Swelling in the legs
  7. Pain in the back or the side
  8. Difficulty concentrating
  9. Memory problems
  10. Low blood pressure
  11. Shortness of breath
  12. Itching
  13. Frequent urination
  14. Less frequent urination

If you think you may be having kidney problems, contact your doctor immediately.

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