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Sexuality and Spirituality

May 24th, 2013

Sexuality and Spirituality

Sexuality and Spirituality – How Spirituality Can Enhance Intimacy

You know who they are when you see them. Two people who seem to have a deep, intimate connection, interacting.  How have they managed to mix Sexuality and Spirituality? It isn’t always “in your face” and the signs can be subtle. But when you see a partnership where people aren’t in sync, it’s worth noting. How have they gotten there? Some people say that it’s their spirituality that leads to this kind of connection. So, that means that Sexuality and Spirituality can be mixed and spirituality can enhance intimacy. But how?

Intimacy Vs Sexuality and Spirituality

Definition of Intimacy

So, what does the word “intimacy” really mean? People do think of this word in different ways. First of all, we aren’t necessarily referring to a sexual relationship, though sex can be part of it. The word can also include romantic involvement or a satisfying emotional connection, that is one way Sexuality and Spirituality can come along. When talking about Sexuality and Spirituality, it is also worth noting that there are different types of love. It can be unconditional, romantic, and one based on friendship. Think about all the people in your life whom you love. Chances are, you love them all in different ways and for different reasons. Love in its various forms has a lot to do with intimacy.

Spirituality Enhances Intimacy

If you have a partner, however, you can definitely enhance intimacy through spirituality and witness how Sexuality and Spirituality can work together. Just as a relationship can fail if there is no shared spirituality between the two parties involved, it can also be enhanced through spiritual beliefs and practices.Sexuality and Spirituality Why is this exactly? There are many theories. Well, sharing spiritual practices together leads to a deeper emotional connection, which leads to increased intimacy. When two people participate in a ceremony, prayer service, or other spiritual act together it helps increase their bond.

Sexuality and Spirituality Enhancement for You

If you would like to enhance intimacy through spirituality and somehow mix Sexuality and Spirituality, there are some things you can do. This takes not only working on your spirituality on an individual basis but with your partner as well. Common spiritual practices include attending church services, prayer services, and exploring different religious practices. Spirituality doesn’t have to indicate “organized religion” either. It can be highly personal. Sharing these spiritual practices with your partner is something that can enhance your level of intimacy. What “spirituality” means can differ from person to person. There is real magic when two people are completely in sync with their spiritual practices and that is where the real effect of Sexuality and Spirituality can reveal itself. There are other, powerful ways to increase your intimacy with your partner. If you have confidence, it can really help.
About Dr. Elist and The Male Enhancement Center
For over three decades, James J. Elist, M.D., FACS, FICS has specialized in Urology and Male Sexual and Erectile Dysfunction at his private practice, The Male Enhancement Center in Beverly Hills. He has helped thousands of men overcome their insecurities, increase their sexual performance, and restore their self-confidence through his unique penile and testicular enhancement procedures.
Please Call: 1-310-612-9042     to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Elist today!

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