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Sign And Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

April 12th, 2017

Sign And Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

Sign And Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulates numerous natural processes within the body. They carry the message to the cells on brain’s command so the cells may efficiently begin working accordingly. Each hormone has its own function and the cells that uptake the hormones are also selective. Therefore to maintain the body homeostasis or in other words, to keep everything functioning normally within the body, it is essential to establish a constant hormonal balance. This balance ensures that every hormone is synthesized, utilized and then discharged properly.

There are some external factors that have the tendency to adversely affect this balance such as, malnutrition, obesity, severe stress conditions, lack of exercise and deficiency of micronutrients. Once this balance is compromised, the body functions are also disturbed; as a result, people begin to experience various symptoms.

Given below are the most common signs and symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance:

Drop In The Body Temperature

Above the chest bone and lower to the Adam’s apple, there is a gland known as thyroid. Upon receiving the signals from brain, the thyroid gland secretes hormones called thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) that are responsible for maintaining energy production within the cells. If for some reason, thyroid fails to secrete sufficient hormones, the condition is referred to as hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism there is poor production of energy which definitely decelerates every process in the body including bowel movements, rate of metabolism, nail and hair growth, production of other hormones andDrinking Water and Hormonal Balance Image even the immune system.

Dr. Broda Barnes suggested that normally the body temperature after waking up ranges between 97.8-98.2F. if the temperature exceeds the given range, it may indicate a state of hyperthyroidism (hyperactive thyroid) and if the temperature falls lower than the range then it indicates hypothyroidism (hypoactive thyroid). So, a morning temperature check can be helpful in assessing whether there is a hormonal imbalance or not.

Poor Sexual Drive And Diminished Libido

The primary male hormone called testosterone is responsible for the development of masculine traits, male sexual organs and optimum erection. It has also been proven that testosterone is mainly responsible for the maintenance of sexual drive and interest in men. But if the testosterone levels go down, issues like diminished libido, erectile problems and poor sexual drive may arise. Men having low testosterone levels become embarrassed and depressed about their condition, often not realizing the culprit behind it.

Fatigue And Brain Frog

Also referred to as, clouding of consciousness in medical terminology, brain fog causes acute loss of memory and ineptitude thinking. Persistent deficiency of micronutrients and malnutrition elevates the cortisol levels (stress hormone), lowers the testosterone and even the thyroid levels while eventually leading to chronic brain fog. If the underlying cause is not dealt with at the right time then increased cortisol levels and decreased thyroid levels may begin damaging the brain leading to actual dementia.

Therefore, it is essential to adapt a healthy lifestyle and to consume a proper diet including all the beneficial and important micronutrients.

Unexplained Muscle Mass Loss

If there is hormonal imbalance in growth hormones or androgens such as testosterone then it can lead to unexplained muscle mass loss. The imbalance in these hormones causes a significant decline in muscle protein synthesis which eventually elevates myostatin, a muscle-breaking compound.

Lifting heavy weights is surely not the way to fix it as it further aggravates the condition by elevating cortisol levels. Instead, the aim must be to boost the testosterone levels and to eradicate all the unhealthy causes such as improper diet or inadequate exercising habits.


  • Lunenfeld, B., Mskhalaya, G., Zitzmann, M., Arver, S., Kalinchenko, S., Tishova, Y., & Morgentaler, A. (2015). Recommendations on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of hypogonadism in men. The Aging Male, 18(1), 5-15.
  • Isidori, A. M., Buvat, J., Corona, G., Goldstein, I., Jannini, E. A., Lenzi, A., … & Maggi, M. (2014). A critical analysis of the role of testosterone in erectile function: from pathophysiology to treatment—a systematic review. European Urology, 65(1), 99-112.
  • Gelhorn, H. L., Dashiell-Aje, E., Miller, M. G., DeRogatis, L. R., Dobs, A., Seftel, A. D., … & Revicki, D. A. (2016). Psychometric Evaluation of the Hypogonadism Impact of Symptoms Questionnaire. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13(11), 1737-1749.

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