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Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Beverly Hills, CA

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Beverly Hills


Peyronie’s Disease is the medical name for when an area of the penis becomes hardened due to plaque. This condition can lead to various problems, including:

  • Bent penis
  • Painful intercourse
  • Distorted penis shape
  • Shortened penis
  • Erectile problems due to reduction in blood flow

How is Peyronie’s Disease Treated?

If Peyronie’s Disease is addressed in its early stages, it may be possible to avoid the need for surgical intervention. The use of vitamin therapy (vitamin E), a B-complex supplement, and medications containing enzymes that break down connective tissue or steroids can be injected to break up the plaque causing the penile distortion.

Will I Need Surgery For Peyronie’s Disease?

Dr. Elist must evaluate your current condition to determine the most effective treatment – for you. For some men, surgery is necessary to remove the plaque so the penis can return to a normal shape, or close to normal. If you are struggling with Peyronie’s Disease, early treatment is critical, as if left to progress, the plaque buildup can eventually lead to erectile dysfunction, as the blood flow to the erectile tissue is inhibited.

What Does Surgery For Peyronie’s Entail?

The surgical procedure is customized for the individual patient, but the basic approach is to remove the hardened tissue that is causing the curvature, whether up, down, or to the side. Every male patient has a unique situation, and the treatment may involve a combination of treatments, including:

  • Surgical removal of hardened tissue within the penis structure.
  • Skin grafts to restore normal appearance.
  • Removal of tissue opposite plaque deposits (Nesbit procedure)
  • Penile implant
Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Beverly Hills

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Beverly Hills

The causes of Peyronie’s Disease is not fully understood. Research has brought forward several issues that could contribute to the condition, including vitamin E deficiencies, the use of beta-blockers, serotonin elevations, or a genetic issue. Injuries to the penis or autoimmune disease are also potential reasons why a man may develop this uncomfortable condition.

Dr. Elist is one of the Southland’s most accomplished urologists. He has dedicated his professional career to helping men with various penile conditions to lead happier, more confident lives. He has decades of experience in treating Peyronie’s, and can evaluate your condition and advise you of the procedures that can be performed to bring you relief. He has a private clinic in Beverly Hills where you can expect to be treated with compassion, kindness, understanding and discretion.

Why Choose Dr. Elist For Peyronie’s Disease?

Can Peyronie’s Disease Be Treated Without Surgery?

Peyronie’s disease may be resolved without surgery when caught in the early stages. If you notice your penis is starting to bend, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. As the plaque (hardened tissue) continues to develop, the condition can worsen. We urge you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elist if you notice these changes. Vitamin therapy or other treatment may be possible in your case. If not, you can be confident that a surgical intervention will be performed by a top urologist for Peyronie’s Disease.

What Are Some Early Signs Of Peyronie’s Disease?

Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease can appear suddenly or develop gradually over time. Even a slight bend in the penis can be an early sign of Peyronie’s disease. Other symptoms like pain during sexual intercourse and difficulty getting or keeping an erection can also be indicative of the condition. Some signs are easy to ignore or blame on other factors like stress. You should not ignore early signs of Peyronie’s disease as early detection and treatment can help you avoid surgery.

What Can I Expect During Surgery?

There are a few different options for Peyronie’s Disease treatment Beverly Hills patients can choose from. The type of surgery you need will be primarily based on how developed the condition is and the severity of your symptoms. Your surgical options include:

  • Removal of scar tissue. Dr. Elist simply removes the problematic tissue to improve the look of any disfigurement. When significant tissue is removed, a graft of skin is often taken from the scrotum or forearm and used to cover the treated area.
  • Penile implant. An implant can be used for many reasons, including shortening of the penis due to Peyronie’s disease, correcting mild bending, improving sexual function, and general insecurities about length or girth. A medical-grade silicone implant is inserted using a small incision at the base of your penis, improving symptoms of Peyronie’s disease while simultaneously increasing your penis size for an extra confidence boost.

Each procedure is quick to administer and are typically performed on an outpatient basis. Every patient will receive a customized treatment, appropriate to the conditions. Through an in-depth consultation, Dr. Elist will identify your concerns, review your medical history, and determine the best treatment for your unique situation.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Beverly Hills

What Is Recovery Like After Surgery For Peyronie’s Disease?

Recovery will vary for each man based on his immune system, type of surgery, and other factors. The incisions typically heal quickly and any soreness or swelling are treatable with medication. Side effects typically fade over the course of a few days following the procedure, but you will still be asked to refrain from sexual activities for up to six weeks.

Results After Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Treatment for Peyronie’s disease in Beverly Hills can improve erectile function and intimate satisfaction for you and your partner. It can also reduce discomfort and frustration during sexual intercourse. Reducing the appearance of abnormalities can also boost self-confidence in all areas of your life. Even if you only have mild symptoms, schedule a consultation with Dr. Elist today to see if you should be treated for Peyronie’s disease.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Beverly Hills

Peyronie’s Disease Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Prevent Peyronie’s Disease From Developing?

Peyronie’s disease can develop from penis injuries that often result from vigorous or frequent intercourse that can lead to accidental bending or “wear and tear” injuries. Practice safe sex and avoid injuries by using lubricant, taking any prescribed medications to maintain an erection, and avoiding positions that could bend or twist the penis.

Are There Risks Associated With Peyronie’s Disease Treatment?

As with any surgery, there are some risks. Peyronie’s disease treatment has a high rate of success, particularly when you carefully follow all aftercare instructions and avoid sexual relations until you are fully healed. Dr. Elist has treated thousands of men for Peyronie’s disease and other abnormalities, and he understands the meticulous approach needed when operating on such a sensitive and vital area.

Will I Have Visible Scars After Treatment?

Medications and other non-surgical treatments will not result in any scarring. If you have a surgical procedure there may be visible scarring at the incision site. Most incisions will heal into a thin, discreet line and continue to fade over time. Dr. Elist also conceals incisions in the natural contours of the body whenever possible.

Will Peyronie’s Disease Heal On Its Own Without Treatment?

Some mild injuries can heal on their own within a few weeks or months, but even mild symptoms of Peyronie’s disease should be looked at by a medical professional. Early detection is key to prompt treatment and avoiding surgery, so don’t let your symptoms get worse before seeking a second opinion.

How Can I Prepare For My Consultation?

Before arriving at our Beverly Hills Peyronie’s Disease treatment center, make a list of any symptoms you are experiencing. Also think about any injuries or other stresses that could be affecting your ability to perform sexually. Lastly, make note of any medications you are taking, family medical history, and be prepared to talk openly about what you are experiencing. Reach out to us – we are ready to help you treat Peyronie’s disease.

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Through experience, empathy, and patient empowerment, Dr. Elist offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment plan for every patient. Schedule your consultation to discuss treatments for men in Los Angeles with premier surgeon Dr. James Elist, and begin your journey confident that your best results are just ahead of you.