5 Types of Penoplasty - But Which One Works?

October 31, 2020
5 Types of Penoplasty - But Which One Works?

Penoplasty, also known as phalloplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance penis size. While individual results, risks, and complications may vary, a penoplasty can increase penile length, girth, or both.

Both the length and girth of a man’s penis can lead to feelings of anxiety and/or inadequacy. Fortunately, advances in modern medicine have opened up the possibility to enhance those properties. If you are unhappy with the current size of your penis, you do have options.

Read on to learn more about penoplasty, and how this procedure may help to improve your confidence levels by achieving the image you’ve always dreamed of.

What is Penoplasty?

A penoplasty is a surgical enhancement of the penis size to increase penile length, girth, or both. There are multiple procedures that fall under the penoplasty umbrella - each of which have their own specific characteristics.

Penoplasty procedures include:

  1. Penuma Penile Implant
  2. Suspensory Ligament Release
  3. Surgical Skin Grafting
  4. Dermal Fat Grafting
  5. Penis Fillers

While there is a range of penoplasty procedures available, not all of them will provide the results that you may be looking for. In the following sections, we will discuss each type of penoplasty procedure in greater detail.

Penuma Penile Implant Surgery

The Penuma Implant is the number one choice when it comes to male enhancement procedures. This is mainly because it has a strong multi-year track record with a high success rate.

Penuma Implant benefits may include:

  • Increased girth and flaccid length of 1 to 2 inches on average
  • Natural feel and appearance
  • No interference with achieving an erection
  • Increased confidence
  • A heightened sense of masculinity

It’s important to note that individual results may vary. Erect length changes post-procedure are unpredictable and not guaranteed. Dr. Elist will go over all potential complications, risks, benefits, and alternatives that may better suit a patient.

Suspensory Ligament Release

The complete structure of the penis can sometimes become buried inside the suprapubic area. The base of the penis is attached to the pubic bone by the suspensory ligament. This ligament prevents the penis from protruding out and gives an arched angle to the penile base.

The idea behind this procedure is that by releasing the ligament, the internal parts of the penis can move forward and outside of the pubic area. It can also change the angle of the arch. This can give the visualization that the penis has increased in proportion. However, there are drawbacks and potential complications to this procedure.

Possible risks include:

  • Scar tissue formation and consequent retraction with loss of penile length
  • Minor pain, swelling, and possible bruising after surgery
  • Infection of the surgery site is a very rare possibility (covered with antibiotics)
  • Variable to no results

Surgical Skin Grafting

Acellular dermal matrix, or AlloDerm, is a regenerative compound made up of natural biological components that promote cell population. AlloDerm is normally used to repair damaged sections in hernia and breast reconstruction procedures.

AlloDerm is most successfully applied in procedures that require regenerative properties. As such, a chemical like this may lead to unexpected results when used in a non-regenerative area like the penis.

AlloDerm penoplasty skin grafting complications may include:

  • The asymmetric appearance of the penis
  • Temporary, rather than permanent results
  • Moderate to severe skin adhesion that can result in skin necrosis
  • Potentially severe infections caused by the AlloDerm

Dermal Fat Grafting

Dermal fat grafting is utilized by surgeons to patch superficial and deep skin defects where healing is compromised and normal closure is not obtainable. These grafts do not have their supply of blood, so they are dependent on the local blood supply to integrate into the surrounding tissue.  A dermal fat graft penis enlargement procedure is similar to those involving fat injections - and most often involves taking excess fat from the buttocks and relocating it.

This technique has been used to enhance the girth and circumference of the penis. While dermal fat grafting for penile enhancement may seem more favorable and less complicated compared to AlloDerm or Ligament Release, this procedure still may involve worrisome complications that need to be considered.

Dermal fat grafting (DFG) possible complications include:

  • Absorption of implanted DFG with consequent loss of initially achieved dimensions
  • Shrinkage of the DFG with subsequent aesthetic deformity or penile shortening
  • Fat tissue fibrosis (reported 8 weeks after surgery) Infection
  • A detachment of the graft (failure to take)
  • Necrosis of the DFG with associated internal adhesions causing severe penile deformity
  • Post-operative complications due to prolonged surgery time of 3-7 hours
  • Persistent penile edema with skin induration
  • Penile skin scarring and loss
  • Penile asymmetry due to fat tissue fibrosis
  • Healing problems/infection of donor site (buttocks)
  • Cosmetically unpleasant scarring at the donor site

Penis Fillers

Penile enhancement fillers and similar procedures are not considered permanent, and can potentially lead to severe deformities. The filler material, hyaluronic acid, is not medically approved to be injected in the penile area. It is typically reabsorbed by the body, leaving behind nodules and other deformities.

Penis fillers will not impact the length of the penis, nor will they help enhance the length and girth of an erect penis. Any increase in flaccid girth will be temporary and often leads to deformities. In general, fillers are risky and are not recommended when it comes to male enhancement techniques.

Schedule Your Penoplasty Consultation

Dr. Elist has helped thousands of men enhance their confidence by boosting girth and flaccid length with the insertion of the Penuma Implant. Visit our Penuma Implant page to learn more about this procedure and what it has to offer you.

If you are interested in having a penoplasty male enhancement procedure, or if you are at all curious about male enhancement and its potential benefits, please contact us.

The above discussion is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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