Cosmopolitan: This Guy Says His Penis Implant Got Him a Wife

March 11, 2016
Cosmopolitan: This Guy Says His Penis Implant Got Him a Wife

Cosmopolitan: This Guy Says His Penis Implant Got Him a Wife

"It was as large soft as it had previously been hard. It just hung down."​

The New York Post reports a man named Jason, 35, got a penile implant after his fiancée broke up with him because she felt his penis wasn't big enough.

Jason says right after the breakup, he just assumed "these were the cards I had been dealt and nothing could be done." About a year later though, he started Googling "penile enhancement" and found a urologist names Dr. James Elist who said he could help.

Elist had been working on an implant that he says is "a 270-degree tube made of very soft silicone, shaped like your penis from the base to the head that immediately increases girth by about 2 inches. Same with the length. If you were 3 inches flaccid and 5 inches erect, 3 goes to 5 and 5 goes to 6 on average." Elist says after two or three years, the implant will also stretch the penis about another half inch.

Jason said after he had the $11,000 procedure (which has since risen in cost to $13,000) his penis was "as large soft as it had previously been hard. It just hung down. All I could think about was what my ex would have said."

Elist says only 2 percent of his patients have had complications from the procedure, which he attributes to those men trying to have sex too soon after, a mistake Jason says he didn't make.

"They told me to wait four weeks before having sexual activity, and I waited two months," he says. When he did finally get to be with a woman for the first time after the surgery, he says that "three months after meeting, we got engaged to be married — and she has no complaints at all."

So lesson learned: Don't break up with your boyfriend because his penis isn't good enough because he can always get that taken care of, I guess? Or better yet, just love the guy anyway because the value of a person isn't what their genitals look like? Either way, good for you, Jason!

Link to the article: Click Here!


Lane Moore

Mar 10, 2016

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