Demystifying Male Hypogonadism

July 22, 2014
Demystifying Male Hypogonadism

Demystifying Male Hypogonadism

Male hypogonadism is a condition in which the testicles (Testosterone Replacement Options | Testosterone Deficiency) have impaired ability to produce enough testosterone, which is important for masculine growth during puberty. The testosterone deficiency (Rapid Weight Loss Can Cause Testosterone Loss) may be the result of a congenital abnormality or can develop later in life due to an infection or injury.Primarily, hypogonadism is of two types:


Hypogonadism may develop in childhood, puberty, or adulthood. The lower level of testosterone hormone may cause menopause-type (Menopause Causes | Symptoms | Remedies) symptoms similar in the affected men, including fatigue, hot flashes (HOT FLASHES | Causes | Remedies), concentration problems, reduction in cognitive ability, lethargy, irritability, erectile dysfunction (Erectile | Erectile Dysfunction Remedies), and loss of libid0 (Libido Control | Curbing Sexual Drive) or reduced sex drive (Low Sex Drive? Dr. Elist will discuss).A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine entitled “Testosterone and Mobility” stated that low testosterone levels could result in increased CV morbidity and mortality. Though more research is under way to establish the low T and CV morbidity relation, the condition is associated with poor generalized men's health (Testosterone Effects in Your Body).

Risk Factors for Male Hypogonadism

Though lower testosterone levels (Low Testosterone) may occur in any age, the syndrome is more prevalent in older men. You may be susceptible to hypogonadism if your answer to any of the following questions is in the affirmative:

  • Have you suffered an injury to your testicles?
  • Have you been diagnosed with pituitary/ testicular tumors?
  • Are you an HIV/AIDS patient?
  • Did you receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy previously?
  • Are you suffering from untreated sleep apnea, Hemochromatosis, or Klinefelter syndrome?

The diagnosis of hypogonadism is based on blood test results measuring testosterone levels. Treatment for male hypogonadism primarily takes into consideration the cause of the problem, including sexual desire and symptoms. Hypogonadism is a common condition in type 2 diabetes (Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction).

Hormone Replacement Therapy

For men suffering from hypogonadism due to testicular failure, testosterone replacement (What You Should Know About Low Testosterone) therapy offers hope in restoring muscle strength and sexual function (Ways to Enhance Sexual Experience) and preventing the risk of osteoporosis by thwarting bone loss. TRT helps boost energy and sex drive, restore fertility (Male Infertility | Causes | Treatment), and stimulate sperm (Sperm Mobility | Fertility | Pregnancy) production, raising the quality of life, which is otherwise affected by low testosterone levels.The use of TRT helps improve lean body and muscle mass and reduce fat mass and trigger puberty, allowing you time for adjustment to physical and emotional changes. A combination of testosterone (5 Facts and Myths About Testosterone) and lifestyle modification, with dietary and exercise changes, is more effective in restoring health of men.

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