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Does an Uncircumcised Penis Feel Better During Sex?

September 26th, 2018

Does an Uncircumcised Penis Feel Better During Sex?

Does an Uncircumcised Penis Make Sex Better?

What is an uncircumcised penis?

When a male child is born his penis is covered with extra folds of skin. This extra fold or layer of skin is known as foreskin. The foreskin covers the head of penis which is removed surgically through a process known as circumcision. Mostly parents circumcise their child within 10 to 15 days of their birth. It has been a common practice in America over the past 100 years. Many parents circumcise their male child due to religious or cultural beliefs as well.

Does it feel better while having sexual intercourse?

Are uncircumcised men more sensitive? Do circumcised men have cleaner and healthier penises? When we discuss circumcision, it becomes really hard to differentiate between facts and fiction. It is one of the hotly debatable issues as to how circumcision affect sexual pleasure.
Compared to a circumcised penis, an uncircumcised penis is much more sensitive and it feels better while having sex. In the process of circumcision roughly about 12 inches of the tissue is removed from the penis. According to a Korean researcher, the circumcision takes away almost half of the penis skin. This skin comprises of very sensitive neuroreceptors which are very much sensitive to touch

What is the function of foreskin?

The foreskin is on the shaft or head of the penis and it moves up and down during sex. That arouses or stimulates the penis head and reducing the friction. So, the foreskin leads to the better sensation.
Less lubrication required:
According to a study conducted by researchers from Denmark, the women with circumcised sexual partner reported three times more sexual pain then women with uncircumcised partner. Some people reported that uncircumcised males require less lubricant then circumcised males. Uncircumcised male penis is much more glossy and smooth according to Dr. Paducah. So, women who don’t like to use lubricant experience less pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse with uncircumcised male.
If we discuss about how circumcision affect female pleasure there is no absolute answer. According to one study conducted at Denmark, women who have circumcised partner reported sexual dissatisfaction twice as high as compared to uncircumcised sexual partner. But some other researches find totally opposite results. It is believed that the uncircumcised male penis gives extra friction to female clitoris due to extra skin fold recoil on the penis head. So, it may give more pleasure to the women who find clitoral pattern stimulation more satisfying.
It is noteworthy that most of these studies were done on a small sample size and the results are highly debatable.

Benefits of Circumcision:

The drawback of having an uncircumcised penis is it is really difficult to keep it clean. It requires extra care and cleaning due to extra folds of skin. Some women don’t like to have sex with uncircumcised male due to cleaning issues.
Risk of infection:
The uncircumcised men more likely to get infection due to moisture trapped in between the folds of skin that develops an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. So, the female partners of uncircumcised male are more prone to get sexually transmitted diseases. That’s why most women today prefer circumcised men because of the fear of getting infections.
Bottom line is, circumcision protects you from a variety of health issues and makes you and your partner less vulnerable to develop or spread sexually transmitted diseases.
Speak to your doctor if you have any questions about circumcision.

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