How To Know If You Are Ready For Sex?

December 23, 2017
How To Know If You Are Ready For Sex?

How To Know If You Are Ready For Sex?

Teenagers are often confused as to when is the right time to engage in sexual activity and how to protect themselves against STDs as well as unwanted pregnancies. It is imperative to mention that sex is a natural way to express your love, as well as give and take pleasure. For some people, it is more than just a physical connection. Everyone has a different perception of sex and only they can determine how they feel about it and when they are ready for it.

However, the most important thing to remember is that no one can force you into sex! It is your body, and your wish! Sometimes it might be hard to say no because you don’t want to hurt other’s feelings but, it’s your right!

Are You Ready For Sex?

Communication is the key to a successful relationship! Once you know about your needs, talk to your partner! Tell what you like and what are your expectations? If you have limitations, tell them! A right person will understand and respect you! They will not push you beyond your limits or force you to do something without your willingness.

Communicating before sexual act is always better. You will find out if the person is right for you or not? If you are not comfortable about something, speak up! Anyone who questions your choices, doesn’t respect you! You do not have to feel guilty about any of your decisions.

Your Feelings Are Your Own

Sexual Health for Your Teenager image

Sex is a cauldron of emotions; pleasure, enjoyment, relief, anxiety, and fear! You can experience least expected reactions! It’s always helpful to think about all those anticipated emotions before having sex. It can be a delightful experience but it may also be overwhelming! Prepare yourself for every possibility! Before having sex, ask these questions to yourself:

  • Why it is a good decision to have sex with this person, right now?
  • How will I feel after having sex?
  • How will I feel about my partner after having sex?
  • Will it be easy to talk about using protection against STIs and pregnancy?

If you are having sex for the first time, ask someone whom you trust about using birth controls and safety precautions against STDs/STIs.

Sexual Abstinence

Having sex or not is your choice! Similarly, acquiring sexual abstinence is also your decision and everyone should respect that! Even if you were sexually active in past, it is okay to choose abstinence. It is up to you whether you want it for long-time or for a while. Remember, don’t push yourself too hard! Don’t think what others will say! Listen to yourself! If you are confused, give yourself some time and do what you think is right for you!


Asexuality or lack of sexual attraction is also normal! If you do not get attracted to someone, it is fine! However, if you are uncomfortable or confused, do not feel shy to consult a therapist or doctor.


  • Goesling, B., Colman, S., Trenholm, C., Terzian, M., & Moore, K. (2014). Programs to reduce teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and associated sexual risk behaviors: a systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(5), 499-507.
  • Barnett, M. D., Fleck, L. K., Marsden, A. D., & Martin, K. J. (2017). Sexual semantics: The meanings of sex, virginity, and abstinence for university students. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 203-208.
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