How to Lower Creatinine Levels

February 21, 2018
How to Lower Creatinine Levels

How to Lower Creatinine Levels

Creatinine is a natural by-product of human biological processes and is secreted into the urine via renal system. It occurs naturally in the urine and blood in addition to other bodily secretions. We'll discuss how to lower creatinine levels in this blog post.In order for all the bodily systems to work efficiently, the serum creatinine levels must be low. High serum levels or creatinine (also referred to as uremia) is usually seen in the setting of life-threatening conditions like uremia. Healthcare providers often advice serum creatinine levels to assess the functioning of the renal system.The best strategy to maintain low serum levels of creatinine is to identify the cause of uremia or high creatinine levels. In addition, several lifestyle and diet modifications can also help in reducing the concentration of creatinine in the blood.

Causes of high serum creatinine levels:

32656694 - creatinine chemical formula, molecule structure, medical vector illustration.[/caption]Routine serum laboratory tests can detect high serum creatinine levels. Most healthcare providers advice more than one laboratory test to assess serum creatinine levels as changes in the diet, lifestyle and drugs can greatly alter serum creatinine concentration temporarily.High serum creatinine levels are also reported in men who consume a protein-rich diet or are involved in strenuous physical activities due to muscle remodeling processes.Following are most common causes of high serum creatinine levels:

  • Chronic or acute renal disorder
  • Serious infectious disease that may damage the kidneys
  • Individuals who suffer from circulatory disorders such as dehydration or extremely low blood pressure due to arterial disease
  • Failure of filtration unit of kidneys (i.e. glomerulus) – if a person manifests high serum creatinine levels but low urinary creatinine levels, it indicates the failure of kidney filtration unit

Some common risk factors that may aggravate the serum creatinine levels are:

  • Diabetes
  • Muscular dystrophy – an autoimmune muscle disease
  • Gout
  • Blood loss caused by shock
  • Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus
  • Rhabdomyolysis – characterized by excessive muscle breakdown
  • Goodpasture syndrome
  • Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus
  • Rhabdomyolysis – characterized by excessive muscle breakdown

It is highly recommended to work with your healthcare professional to improve the serum creatinine levels.

Dietary tips to lower creatinine levels

Following dietary changes can help in reducing serum creatinine levels:

  1. Limiting Protein Intake: Creatinine is a direct metabolic by-product of protein metabolism. Excessive protein consumption can lead to a transient rise in the serum creatinine levels, even in individuals who don’t have an active history of renal disease. Some protein sources that should be avoided are cooked red meat – as animal muscles produce creatinine as a metabolic byproduct of protein metabolism. You can swap animal proteins with beans and other healthier sources.
  2. Increase intake of dietary fiber: Fiber is known to reduce serum cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of digestive system. However, a lot pf people do not understand that high fiber intake can also improve serum creatinine levels. Study published in the peer reviewed journal European Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggested that high fiber intake can significantly reduce creatinine levels. Fiber is present in fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and seeds.
  1. 87540782 - book about acute renal failure.[/caption]
  2. Be careful with your fluid intake: Low fluid intake due to dehydration or other reasons can also increase creatinine levels. Likewise, excessive fluid intake may affect the functioning of already diseased kidneys. Speak to your doctor to learn how much fluid intake is recommended for your optimal health.
  3. Consider chitosan supplementation: You should also consider chitosan supplementation that is normally taken by people for cholesterol control or weight reduction. Many studies have suggested that chitosan supplementation also reduces serum creatinine levels

Other helpful tips to Lower Creatinine Levels are:

  • Avoid creatinine based supplements
  • Consider naturally occurring herbs like chamomile, chicory, dandelion, cinnamon, astragalus and nettle leaf
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity


  1. Raeymaeckers, S., Tosi, M., Van Bael, K., Brussaard, C., & De Mey, J. (2016). A patient with high creatinine levels but no renal failure: reversed autodialysis in a patient with a ruptured bladder. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, 160, A9424-A9424.

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