The "Magic Pill" for Penis Enlargement...
Late at night, zapping through national TV channels, there is an ex-porn star dressed in a white coat and presented as "sexual psychologist" advertising for 'THE' solution for male enhancement and penis enlargement.Have you ever caught yourself asking if that would work for you? If you did, you are not alone. From boys in puberty facing first sexual encounters and locker-room showers in gym to adult men, most of the male population does compare his size with his peers wondering if there is a pill for penis enlargement.Covered up with nice advertisement and intriguing packaging, many companies advertise for products that if taken orally are supposed to provide you with penis enlargement. But do they work?In fact, not all statements in those advertising for penis enlargement pills are a lie. The truth though is there is no pill for penis enlargement!Most of the products contain ingredients that help to improve erection quality. Following the natural penis anatomy and physiological functioning, the ingredients in those products improve the blood flow into the penis, hence improving the erection quality and penis engorgement: increased blood flow into the penis and stronger erections compared to the natural one will help the penis to appear bigger than usual. If you are a healthy guy with no cardiovascular issues and no erectile dysfunction, these products may help to improve your erection quality and help with "penis enlargement".When choosing over the counter and "As Seen On TV" products, you need to be aware of the ingredients and their composition. Many products sold in the gas stations and other places may contain the precursors of Viagra and co. And while being initially very effective, prolonged and frequent use may form psychological and physical habitual intake and even result in loss of erection quality and impotence.

While the "Magic Pill" for penis enlargement does not exist, there are several other real options for men who seriously look into penis enlargement.Since many decades, surgeons have researched and developed techniques for penis enlargement. In fact, the only means for penis enlargement proven to be working is surgery. Various surgical techniques like suspensory ligament release , fat and free silicone injection, AlloDerm/BellaDerm and dermal grafts, and the Himplant are available for penis enlargement. Surgery for penis enlargement, depending on the technique, is the only real solution for penis enlargement.If you are seriously looking into penis enlargement surgery, there are several factors that you need to consider before choosing the right procedure for yourself:
Surgeon Specialty
The same way that you would trust your car rather to a mechanic for technical issues than to a body shop painter, you should trust your manhood to the expertise of a doctor who specializes in urogenital tract and genital surgery. A urologist specializes in urogenital tract and genital surgery and knows the best about the penis and its functioning.
Credentials and Number of Surgeries Performed
A qualified urologist is the best option when it comes to the treatment of the urogenital tract. A urological surgeon with vast expertise in genital surgery and penis enlargement who performs a certain number of procedures on daily basis is the best choice for that specific procedure.
When choosing a penis enlargement procedure, you need to ask yourself whether a permanent solution or repeated treatment is what you desire. Preferably you should choose a penis enlargement procedure that is permanent and does not require repeated surgery and revision.
Your Expected Results
When considering a procedure for penis enlargement, you need to know your goals. Is your goal penis widening, lengthening, or both at the same time? While many procedures for penis enlargement yield one single result (girth vs length) only, there is one revolutionary option available for a simultaneous lengthening and widening of the penis.In sum, the "Magic Pill" for penis enlargement does not exist. If you are seriously looking into penis enlargement, surgery is your only real option. When choosing a penis enlargement procedure, you preferably would want your procedure to be performed by an experienced urological surgeon, to simultaneously provide length and girth, and to be permanent.