Premature Baldness In Men, Genetics And Risk Of Developing Prostate Disease

October 27, 2017
Premature Baldness In Men, Genetics And Risk Of Developing Prostate Disease

Premature Baldness In Men, Genetics And Risk Of Developing Prostate Disease

Thinning of hair or baldness is often attributed as an age-related condition; however, some men tend to get bald at a much younger age. This premature loss of hair is linked to various illness and physical characteristics. Though, it is already confirmed that premature baldness is directly related with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer and heart diseases but, a recent study conducted on genetic material of 20,000 men has directed towards a whole new range of different associations.

Details Of The Study On Premature Baldness

This research included men from seven different countries. Participants were divided into two groups; one group served as the control group with no hair loss whereas the other group consisted of 11,000 males suffering from premature baldness. Upon studying the genetic material, researchers identified 63 genomic mutations that were responsible for premature baldness. Some of these changes were further related to other characteristics such as early puberty, decreased body size and certain types of cancers.

As per research that was conducted by researchers at the University of Bonn, short heighted men are at much higher risk of developing early baldness. This study also confirmed the fact that premature baldness is strongly relat

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ed to risk of developing prostate cancer. However, the risk was not significantly high. Therefore, men suffering with early baldness should not panic about getting prostate cancer with onset of baldness.

Moreover, light skin complexion and increased bone density are also found to be associated with premature baldness which justifies why white men are more prone to early hair loss.

Fat cells and immune cells present in scalp are also involved in early hair loss mechanism along with hair follicle cells.

What Is The Relationship Between Premature Baldness And Other Male Physical Characteristics?

The connecting link between baldness and various physical, physiological and pathological characteristics istestosterone. Males with high testosterone have deep voice, strong muscles and high sex drive; but at the same time:

  • High testosterone levels bind Testosterone receptors on the live and stimulate the production of bad quality lipids (LDL) while decreasing the serum levels of HDL (good quality lipids). It is no surprise that high LDL levels aggravate the risk of heart disease, which explain the association.
  • Serum testosterone levels is converted to dihydrotestosterone, a more potent form of testosterone that exerts its action by stimulating tissue receptors. Binding of dihydrotestosterone with its receptors on the surface of skin is responsible for the androgenic acne and loss of hair (androgenic alopecia)
  • High DHT or dihydrotestosterone activity is also responsible for the growth of prostatic cells; thus, leading to benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Researchers are still analyzing the risk association between premature baldness and risk of prostate cancer, heart disease and other ailments.


  • Hawk, E., Breslow, R. A., & Graubard, B. I. (2000). Male pattern baldness and clinical prostate cancer in the epidemiologic follow-up of the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 9(5), 523-527.
  • Eeles, R. A., Kote-Jarai, Z., Giles, G. G., Al Olama, A. A., Guy, M., Jugurnauth, S. K., ... & Field, H. I. (2008). Multiple newly identified loci associated with prostate cancer susceptibility. Nature genetics, 40(3), 316-321.
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