Prostate Cancer Patterns | Development and Progression

The development and progression of prostate cancer in society changes its patterns. Prostate cancer is highly heterogeneous in its nature, effects, pattern of progression and outcomes and is influenced by both heredity and environmental factors. Prostate cancer is almost certainly caused by changes (mutations) in the DNA that affect the regulation of the growth of normal prostate cells. These mutations can accumulate over time, causing the gradual progression to prostate cancer. Some mutations may cause a precancerous condition called "Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN)", others may cause a slowly growing form of the cancer, and still others may cause a rapidly progressive form of the disease. It may take decades for some prostate cancers to develop, while others may develop more rapidly if a more serious mutation occurs. Some men may inherit one or more of these mutations from either his mother or his father. In this case, fewer additional mutations would be needed before cancer occurs.Survival, treatment approaches and mortality, differ substantially by sociology-economic and geographic factors, and psycho-social outcomes are also likely to be affected by these factors and other personal characteristics. Nevertheless, it is possible that preventive measures might prevent the development or progression of prostate cancer.
Pattern For Return of Sexual Function After Prostate Surgery
Usually, erections return slowly beginning 3-6 months after surgery and continue to improve for 18-24 months. There is a lot of variation. Usually erections are not as firm as before surgery unless the patient had "perfect" erections to being begin with. If the nerves can be partially or completely saved, Viagra usually improves the erections. If not, prostaglandin injections, MUSE urethral suppositories, or a vacuum erection device must might be used. Some patients prefer to solve the problem with a surgically implanted penile prosthesis.

Exercises Given After Operation Work To Help Bladder Incontinence
Exercises work by increasing the bulk and strength of the one remaining sphincter muscle. This muscle helps to create a seal by approximating the walls of the urethra. There is a fine line between being wet and being dry. It is like The condition can be compared to a leaky faucet that can be fixed by replacing a washer that differs very little in appearance from the old washer. It is just a little more plump and flexible, but that makes the difference between wet and dry.
What Could Cause A "PSA" Level To Rise Other than Cancer?
Three things can cause the PSA to rise: Prostate cancer, benign prostate enlargement (BPH), and inflammation (prostatitis). With cancer and benign enlargement the PSA goes up persistently; the slope is steeper with cancer. With inflammation, the PSA can rise with a flare-up and come back down with resolution of the inflammation (with or without antibiotic treatment). Interpreting the pattern is complicated because some patients have two or all three of these conditions at the same time.
Frequent Sex With Penile Implant Makes "PSA" Level Rise
Sexual activity can cause a transient rise in the PSA level . This rise is usually minimal and does not last for more than 6–24 hours. Sex with or without a penile implant does not make a difference. It is ejaculation that causes the PSA to rise. Hence, it is ideal to avoid sex for 24 hours before PSA testing.