Prostate Cancer Research - Relationship With Testosterone

November 22, 2017
Prostate Cancer Research - Relationship With Testosterone

Prostate Cancer Research - Testosterone

Prostate cancer is the result of uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the prostate gland. This gland exists only in males and situated at the lower end of the bladder. The Prostate gland helps in the production of fluid that constitutes semen. Though prostate cancer is very dangerous it is curable if diagnosed and managed at an early stage.  More than 170,000 men develop prostate malignancy each year resulting in the mortality rate of up to 30,000 men per year. Older men are more likely to develop this cancer. The cause of this disease is still not known but scientist believe that age, genetics, and ethnicity increases the risk of prostate cancer development. Here we will highlight prostate cancer research and its results.

Testosterone and Prostate Cancer:

Testosterone has a very important part in male reproduction and maintenance of sexual health. Scientists are analyzing the link between prostate cancer and testosterone from several years. There is a recent survey according to which male who has low quantity of testosterone in their blood have fewer chances to develop prostate cancer.

The research was presented at National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer Conference and was conducted by scientists at Oxford University.The main purpose of this research is to investigate the androgen saturation model. According to which the prostate tissue requires sufficient testosterone to develop in order to saturate androgen receptor. Researchers believe that there is little saturation due to low testosterone so; males with a smaller amount testosterone have a lower possibility to develop prostate cancer. Increase in testosterone has an effect on cancer development up to certain level. At a certain point increase in testosterone does not further the increase of cancer cells.After studying more than 19,000 males, scientist and researchers have found that there is a 20% less of a chance to develop prostate cancer in men with low testosterone.

Testosterone and Prostate Cancer – what’s the connection?

Researchers generate the hypothesis that chances to grow prostate cancer decreases in males with low testosterone. In order to conduct prostate cancer research scientist had to test this hypothesis, the research team studied twenty perspective studies which include almost nineteen thousand men. Among these 19,000 males 12,088 men were healthy and 6933 have a history of prostate malignancy. Total 19,021 participants were involved in this research. The age group was between 34 & 76 and the blood sample was gathered between 1959 and 2004.These contributors were further divided into ten groups based on their testosterone level sort by lowest to highest concentration of testosterone. Logistic regression method was used in this study to compute results.The results of this prostate cancer research showed that males who have low level of testosterone have comparatively fewer chances (up to 20% lower) to develop prostate cancer than the ones who have higher concentration of testosterone. They have also analyzed that if the male with less testosterone develop prostate cancer then there is a 65 percent chance that they will develop more aggressive form of malignancy. There was no connection established between the other nine groups with higher testosterone levels.New techniques and methods were introduced to reduce this hormone in men in order to treat prostate cancer after this research. Testosterone encourages development of tumor cell in men. Therefore, prostate cancer is treated by reducing testosterone level from the body.

Findings of the study:

There is a fundamental role of testosterone in male reproductive system.  And researchers are trying to develop strong connection between prostate cancer and level of testosterone. This study develops relationship between prostate cancer and testosterone levels and scientists believe that testosterone play significant role in reducing prostate cancer risk. According to Professor Meson “this research provides us different ways and techniques to cure and detect prostate cancer prior to any damage”.  However further studies to establish these relationships are needed.

prostate cancer research

According to Professor Tim key “the function of testosterone to reduce prostate cancer risk is still not obvious. Further researches to test this relationship required. Because, till now this is the only research take place to support this concept” “The research will helpful to reduce the potential prostate cancer risk in males and also helps in the treatment and diagnosis of this disease”, Prof. Matt Seymour.Conclusion:Concluding the prostate cancer research, e very year more than 170,000 men go through this disease but the actual reason behind the development of prostate cancer is still not known. The above study is not only helpful in determining the ways through which we can control the risk of developing prostate cancer but also helps in the treatment and diagnosis.This research finds out that there is significant relationship between testosterone levels and prostate cancer development however there is a need to explore further this topic in order to develop strong evidence in the support of this studyReferences:

  1. Ferro, M., Lucarelli, G., Bruzzese, D., Di Lorenzo, G., Perdonà, S., Autorino, R., ... & Buonerba, C. (2017). Low serum total testosterone level as a predictor of upstaging and upgrading in low-risk prostate cancer patients meeting the inclusion criteria for active surveillance. Oncotarget, 8(11), 18424.
  2. San Francisco, I. F., Rojas, P. A., DeWolf, W. C., & Morgentaler, A. (2014). Low free testosterone levels predict disease reclassification in men with prostate cancer undergoing active surveillance. BJU international, 114(2), 229-235.

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