Soy And Prostate Cancer
Soy is a protein-rich compound that has several health benefits. However, soy contains isoflavones that may not be as beneficial for men as various research studies suggested that soy aggravates the risk of developing advanced prostate malignancy in men with long-term use. Prostate cancer is very common in America and according to latest estimates, more than 170,000 men develop prostate cancer each year. We're going to observe today the relationship between soy and prostate cancer.According to a new research published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Cancer, isoflavones aggravates the risk of only certain variants of prostate cancer. There has been some evidence that prostate cancer growth depends very much on the diet of the individual. For instance, a new study provided statistical evidence that consumption of processed carbohydrates can significantly increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, while others believe that prostate malignancy is linked to high fatty food consumption.

There is a new study by Dr. Zhang, senior author of Fair Bank School at Indiana University, according to which isoflavones are also associated with high risk of developing prostate cancer.
Isoflavones Impact. Soy and Prostate Cancer Risk:
Soy has large amounts of isoflavones which behaves like phytoestrogen (plant extract) in the body. Phytoestrogens serve as female hormones i.e. estrogen exerts the same imp on in the body.There are diverse studies regarding the impact of isoflavones on human health. Some scientists believe that soy intake increases the risk of breast cancer, while others believe they are beneficial to the women who are suffering from breast cancer.To analyze the impact of isoflavones the on human body, a comprehensive research was conducted by Dr. Zhang and his team. As part of the study, Zhang and his team collected data from 27,004 males. With careful evaluation, the team was able to identify a total 2,598 patients of prostate cancer, of which 287 were found to have advanced prostate cancer during 11.5 years median follow up time.As part of the research, a questionnaire was distributed among the participant regarding food frequency in order to find out the consumption of isoflavones rich food.This survey indicated that the men who have high consumption of isoflavones rich foods are more likely to develop the advance level prostate cancer risk then those with low consumption.There is no considerable relation found between non-advanced prostate cancer risk and dietary isoflavones
Findings of the study:

The result of this research indicated that there is a strong link between isoflavones and prostate cancer and consuming isoflavones rich food like soy may raises the chances of prostate cancer development. However, there is a need to study this further.According to Zhang “this study establishes a link between isoflavones consumption and its impact on advanced and non-advanced prostate cancer but there is a need to explore this topic further”References:
- Kurahashi, N., Iwasaki, M., Sasazuki, S., Otani, T., Inoue, M., & Tsugane, S. (2007). Soy product and isoflavone consumption in relation to prostate cancer in Japanese men. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 16(3), 538-545.
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