Symptoms Of Non-Specific Urethritis

July 14, 2017
Symptoms Of Non-Specific Urethritis

Symptoms Of Non-Specific Urethritis

NSU or non-specific urethritis is characterized by the presence of symptomatic urethral inflammation. NSU is usually transmitted sexually i.e. through vaginal, oral or anal sex. Incubation period of the infection varies from person to person but generally the symptoms appears 1-4 weeks after the exposure to the infection. Rarely the cause of NSU can be an exorbitant amount of friction while having sexual intercourse or while masturbating. Consuming a lot of alcohol or being allergic to detergent or soap can also serve as contributing factors to NSU. NSU may even occur after being several years in a relationship.

Symptoms Of Non-Specific Urethritis

The symptoms of NSU may appear at the time of infection or after the incubation period ends. The primary symptoms are usually very mild and often go unnoticed. 50% of the men having NSU experiences no specific symptoms. NSU may even occur after being several years in a relationship. Given below are the signs and symptoms associated with NSU:

  • Urgent desire to urinate; urinary intolerance
  • Burning sensation or felling of pain while urinating
  • Release of cloudy whitish penile discharge, particularly in the morning

How Is NSU diagnosed?

It is important to consult the doctor if you are experiencing the symptoms associated with NSU. Having sex with partner already diagnosed with NSU, is often the number 1 reason to visit the doctor. In order to diagnose NSU, the doctor may recommend few simple tests. The tests are not even close to being painful and yields immediate results. Some of these tests may include:

Nongonococcal Urethritis Image
  • Swab sample collection from penile tip
  • Urine test

It is important to understand that NSU needs medical assistance and the symptoms should not be ignored. The doctor may even prescribe antibiotics to provide the symptomatic treatment.

Treatment Of NSU

It is important to understand that NSU needs medical assistance and the symptoms should not be ignored. The doctor may even prescribe antibiotics to provide the symptomatic treatment. The antibiotic course usually lasts for about 7 days. Missing the doses or not taking the exact dose can result in the medication errors. Some patients are allergic to various constituents present in the medicine, it is necessary to inform the doctor so he may prescribe the alternative antibiotics. Symptoms of NSU do not disappear overnight with just single dose, it takes time. Following the complete course is considered necessary for complete recovery.

Preventing Non-Specific Urethritis

The best way to prevent NSU is by practicing safe sex as it is usually transmitted through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Preventive sex requires the use of condoms. Discussing it through with the sex partner can make things rather easier.

The body does not become immune to the infection even after its occurrence for the first time therefore NSU has increased likelihood of recurrence. Having sexual health checkups on regular basis can increase the chances of detecting NSU or any other STI, as it can adversely affect the reproductive health. If untreated, NSU may cause following complication:

  • Inflamed testicles
  • Reiters syndrome; marked by inflamed joints, urethra, eyes and penile sores.


  • Pallawela, S. N., Sonnex, C., Burdett, J., Cooper, D., Nethercott, K., Thomas, C. M., ... & Carne, C. (2014). Testing for ‘threads’ and leucocyte esterase in first-void urine to exclude the diagnosis of non-specific urethritis in asymptomatic men. Sexual health, 11(3), 283-284.
  • Moi, H., Blee, K., & Horner, P. J. (2015). Management of non-gonococcal urethritis. BMC infectious diseases, 15(1), 294.
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