Take Away From No Fap November

January 9, 2018
Take Away From No Fap November

Take Away From No Fap November

What is ‘No Fap November?’ Also referred to as ‘No Nut November,’ it’s a month of abstaining from masturbation. It began after a thread on Reddit (a popular news aggregation site) about a 2003 Chinese study that found that men who don't masturbate for seven days experience a 45.7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day. Its main purpose is to raise awareness about porn addiction.In addition, men and women who abstain from masturbating, hope to gain energy that, not spent on sex, can be redirected into such benefits as physical well-being, mental clarity, and confidence around people they’re attracted to. Sex with a partner is ‘allowed’ during No Fap November and participants get three strikes.NoFap is also a popular website that says it is “a comprehensive community-based porn recovery website. We offer all the tools our users need to connect with a supportive community of individuals determined to quit porn use and free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviors.”The reasons that people participate in movements like No Fap November or abstain from masturbating are varied.

What do Doctors Think

A urologist in Orlando, Florida, Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, said there is evidence supporting the notion of No Nut November. “Refraining from ejaculation via sex or masturbation is more an exercise in mind control,” Brahmbhatt told HuffPost. “The time and energy you may be committing to your next Tinder date or watching porn is shifted to your other daily tasks or life goals.”Porn addiction can be a real problem for some men, even leading to erectile dysfunction. Many US-based urologists and psychologist raised the alarm about addiction to Internet and erectile dysfunction in young men.It’s also a great way to curb what some people think may be a sexual addiction. Generally considered a kind of hypersexual disorder, people suffering from sexual addiction may find themselves preoccupied with thoughts about sex, sexual urges and desires. Often, these urges can be difficult to control that leads the individual to progress to act out these feelings and urges. Decreased interest or time for work, school or social relationships, excessive masturbation, taking risky sexual behavior and practices, or having extra-marital affairs are just some of the signs one might have when suffering from sexual addiction.No Fap November can help men and women refocus their lives on something other than sex.

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