Types Of Prostatitis
Prostatitis is condition that is characterized by inflammation of prostate gland along with characteristic symptoms of painful ejaculation and/or urination as well as pain in the lower back. Untreated prostatitis can result in serious complications therefore seeking medical assistance is very important. It is a very common health condition in American men and may target men over 25 years of age.
There are four clinical types of this condition.
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
Causative agent: Escherichia or Klebsiella
It is a rare type of prostatitis that is associated with grave complications and requires immediate treatment.
Symptoms associated with acute bacterial are:
- Swollen and tender prostate
- Painful ejaculation
- Urine incontinence
- Painful urination
- Fever
- Pain in the genital area, testicles, groin and lower back
Chronic Bacterial
This clinical variety is associated with a high rate of recurrence and may also cause urinary tract and prostate inflammation. Symptoms are less severe in intensity in contrast to the acute form. Symptoms associated with chronic bacterial prostatitis are:
- Recurrent UTIs (urinary tract infections)
- Presence of blood in the semen
- Pain while ejaculating
- Pain in the abdomen or lower back
- Feeling of discomfort in the genital region
- Fever
Causative agents: not known but speculated to be Chlamydia or Virus

It doesn’t result from any bacterial infection however the symptoms are similar to any other type of this condition.
Symptoms associated with non-bacterial prostatitis are:
- Presence of blood in the urine
- Presence of blood in semen
- Painful ejaculation
- Difficulty in urinating
- Painful bowel movements
- Pain in the lower back and genital region
Chronic Prostatitis
It is also referred to as prostatodynia or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. This condition is characterized by prostatitis associated symptoms with no signs of bacterial infection or inflammation. Even when it occurs with slight inflammation, there are no sign of infection. The cause is yet unknown but speculated to be Chlamydia. This type of prostatitis is very common.
Symptoms associated with this condition are:
- Urine incontinence
- Increased frequency of urination
- Pain in urethra prior to or during urination
- Painful ejaculation
- Pain in the lower back, scrotum, penis or lower abdomen
- Excruciating pain in the penis prior to or after passing urine
- Spreading of pain around the area surrounding the pelvis or other single or multiple areas simultaneously.
Not many things can be done to minimize the risk of prostatitis; however, once it occurs, the inflammation is a treatable condition. Ignoring the symptoms is never a good idea. If you are experiencing the symptoms of this condition, it is important to consult the doctor immediately. Your healthcare provider will conduct some urological tests to correctly diagnose the ailment, prior to starting the treatment as the treatment is dependent upon the type of prostatitis diagnosed. Once the treatment is done, the person goes back to being normal within weeks to a month or two.
- Zhang, R., Sutcliffe, S., Giovannucci, E., Willett, W. C., Platz, E. A., Rosner, B. A., … & Wu, K. (2015). Lifestyle and risk of chronic/chronic pelvic pain syndrome in a cohort of United States male health professionals. The Journal of urology, 194(5), 1295-1300.
- Bowen, D. K., Dielubanza, E., & Schaeffer, A. J. (2015). Chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. BMJ clinical evidence.