What Are Crabs STD?
Pubic lice or crabs are little crawling creatures that usually infest pubic hair or area near the genitals. However, these insects are not limited to pubic area only, as these little beasts can be found in any other hairy parts of the body as well. Crabs STD requires a proper STD treatment which involves use of insecticide lotions and creams. In most cases, threse topical insecticides are helpful in getting rid of crab lice.
Who Is At Risk Of Getting Crabs STD?
Crabs STD is contagious and usually occurs due to sexual contact with an infected person. It is highly recommended to get tested for other sexually transmitted infections if a person is infected due to sexual contact with an infected partner or risky sexual behavior. A person can also catch crabs by kissing a male who is harboring crabs in his beard. In simple words, besides sexual contact you can also catch crabs STD by kissing, hugging or other forms of non-sexual intimacy.
Besides sexual contact, crabs STD more commonly spreads in places where optimal genital hygiene is not maintained. Countries in which poverty prevails or areas that are highly crowded can also be a source of such infections. Such kind of lice are called public lice, as people catch these creatures from the crowd/public. People who do not take showers regularly or don’t change clothes for longer period can easily get lice (body lice).
These lice are not easy to be removed. They get stick to hair and won’t fall off with simple methods. As the named indicates “crabs”, they will stick to the skin and feed off the blood of host. When an individual get pubic lice for the first time, the incubation period is usually up to one week but if it is a reoccurrence then incubation time can be as little as, one day.
Crab lice can be categorized as public lice and body lice. The common and pronounced symptom of both types of lice infection is itching in genitals or any other hairy part of body.

The symptoms for public lice includes:
- Itching, especially at night when lice are feeding themselves
- Red bumpy skin
- Rash and irritation
- Blue color spots on skin
- Underwear will have brown spots
- Inflammation in eyes (if eyelashes are infected)
Sometimes people don’t even know that they have lice because they do not experience any of the above mentioned symptoms. Though, they are asymptomatic but still they are capable of spreading this infection in other people.
Those having body lice experiences itching in underarms, genitals and trunk region.
How To Identify Crabs STD?
Crabs STD are crab-shaped, white-grey small parasites and their eggs are oval and have pearl like color which can be seen beneath the hair, if look carefully. Redness or scaly patches due to itching and blue spots can be observed. These blue spots are sign of insect biting.
How To Treat Crabs STD?
While treating crabs STD, it is highly recommended to not just treat the affected area, but the entire body. As mentioned before, insecticide lotions and creams are prescribed by the doctor to completely eradicate lice. Usually, the topical treatments are applied twice a week. Treatment can be repeated if successful results are not obtained.
Among various insecticide lotions, Malathion is found to be very effective. As compared to other treatment options available, Malathion lotions are easy to be applied and if used properly, are capable of delivering efficient results. One should let it stay on the skin for the recommended period of time, as suggested by the doctors. After the suggested duration, body should be washed thoroughly. Once body is washed, the affected area should be combed with a toothed comb to shed off the dead lice and nits (the eggs). There is no need to shave the affected area. Malathion is suitable for people of all ages. Permethrin is another formulation that is used for crabs STD but it is contraindicated in people below 18.
Some formulations contain a chemical called Lindane. One should not use these chemicals without asking the doctor. This chemical can be very toxic, especially for the fetus/ unborn child.
Crabs STD are highly contagious, all clothes and bed sheets must be dry cleaned or washed with hot water. Not only the affected person, but the sexual partner should also be treated.
1. Anderson, A. L., & Chaney, E. (2009). Pubic lice (Pthirus pubis): history, biology and treatment vs. knowledge and beliefs of US college students. International journal of environmental research and public health, 6(2), 592-600.
2. Bonilla, D. L., Durden, L. A., Eremeeva, M. E., & Dasch, G. A. (2013). Pediculus Infestations and Louse-borne Diseases: Challenges in Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Control. PLOS Pathogens, 9(11).
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