What Makes Your Penis Smaller?

September 28, 2018
What Makes Your Penis Smaller?

What Makes Your Penis Smaller?

Many men wonder if their penis can shrink or get smaller with the passage of time. Well it sounds strange but unfortunately it is true. There are some lifestyle factors that may make the penis to lose its ability to maintain consistent erection.It is a common observation that penile size shrinks while using cold water or in extreme cold temperature but this shrinkage is temporary and penis regains its normal size once this cold factor is gone. But sometimes this penis shrinkage is not due to cold; but instead due to other factors.

What are the reasons that make your penis smaller?

Usually the penis which is larger in size is considered as the source of pride. Men are very much concerned about their penis size even sometimes they overthink that their penis is smaller however, their penis is perfectly normal in size.The amount of testosterone production will have a great impact on the function of penis. And this hormonal production is very much dependent upon the genetics of a person. That’s why the size of penis varies from person to person according to their genetics.There are some risk factors that may cause your penis to shrink. These are

Loss in Penis Length:

Radical prostatectomy:One of the most common reasons of reduction in penis size is radical prostatectomy. Radical prostatectomy is the surgical procedure that involves removal of some or most of the prostate gland in order to cure prostate cancer. Almost around 70% of the men who undergoes prostatectomy will notice reduction in the size of their penis.Obesity:Obesity and excessive deposition of fat also reduces the penis size as extra skin wraps around the important areas. Besides this excess weight also reduces the flow of blood towards penis. As a result, man finds it difficult to attain rigid erection.Peyronie’s disease:Another cause of shrinkage in penis size is Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a penile condition in which scar tissue forms inside the penis causing painful and abnormal erection; rather than straight erection. It causes penis reduction due to scar and plaque buildup and also due to the surgery performed to correct this problem.Aging:The testosterone levels are also very important for penis. With increasing age, testosterone levels tend to decline as sexual activity decreases and erection of penis becomes less frequent. With fewer episodes of erection, penis size begins to shrink.Testicles and penis size also decrease with increasing age due to the accumulation of fatty deposits into your arteries that reduces the blood flow towards penis.Treatment:To prevent penis shrinkage, it is necessary to maintain optimal erectile function as erectile dysfunction fill up the penis with oxygen rich blood that averts penile shrinkage. With advancing age, penile erection tends to decline. In order to maintain an erection with physiological aging, you can take following measures.Try to remain physically active and do exercise daily.Consume nutritious and well-balanced diet.Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol.Avoid smoking.If the size of penis is reduced due to prostate surgery, don’t panic. Usually, it will reverse within 6 to 12 months.Outlook:The penile shrinkage after a prostate surgery can be reversed. Usually penile shortening won’t affect your sex life and sexual pleasure.If the size of penis is making you self-conscious, consult your doctor. Penile implant surgery can be performed to enhance the size of penis.

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