Penile Enlargement Patient Liaison Program
Talk to a former patient about his success with the Elist silicone penile implant.*
- Get unbiased answers
- Confidential and private
- Free and no obligation
Our former patients had the penile enhancement procedures and are available to speak with you anytime. If one of our former patients is unavailable when you call, he will try to call you back within 24 hours. Our former patients can offer open and candid perspectives about what led them to seek penile enhancement, their research to find a solution, and their experience with the Elist implant. Our former patients are volunteers; they are unbiased and are not being paid by Dr. Elist.
Terms And Conditions
By choosing to speak with a former patient of Dr. Elist’s and a recipient of the Elist implant, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Our former patients can only discuss their personal experience with the Elist implant. Please direct any questions about your candidacy for the Elist implant to Dr. Elist’s staff
- All information discussed will remain strictly confidential
- Our former patients will not answer any medical questions as they are not qualified to address medical questions or concerns. Please direct any medical questions or questions regarding your individual circumstances to Dr. Elist’s medical staff.
Learn more about Dr. Elist's Male Enhancement Procedures
Grab the Future with Both Hands
Schedule your private consultation with Dr. Elist
Through experience, empathy, and patient empowerment, Dr. Elist offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment plan for every patient. Schedule your consultation to discuss treatments for men in Los Angeles with premier surgeon Dr. James Elist, and begin your journey confident that your best results are just ahead of you.